Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How can a be a great mom, I need alot of advice?

My boyfriend and I want to get married one day, and we want to have two kids, anyways , how can I be a great mother, I have a kind loving heart, and good with kids,and I know how to cook heathy food, but is there books I can read now, to prepare, I want to learn , as much as I can, any advice. ThanksHow can a be a great mom, I need alot of advice?
Kids don't come with instructions. It is a learning process from the time that they are born. Follow your heart and you should be fine. There are many older women, ie your mom, mother-in-law, etc. that you can learn some of the semantics from.How can a be a great mom, I need alot of advice?
';Positive Discipline'; by Jane Nelsen
i am pregnant with my 1st child %26amp; the best advice i was given was to just do the best job you can %26amp; love your child.
my best advice-don't listen to everyones advice
I would've said it but Noodles said it all first.
Just take it one day at a time, when your young you think you will live for ever so be kind to everyone you meet and never have to say sorry....
spend time with them teach by example make sure they always come first
if you're going to be stressed out about being a great mom. you may have a hard time getting pageant..........

don't try to be something you're not yet..........

when the time comes, learn as you go.

I'm sure you'll be a great mom one day......

until then, relax and plan your future the best you can..

who knows, we may read about you one day as being the best mom ever...........for now just settle for being a great person, which i'm sure you are...........

wishing you all that there is......
Children unfortunately don't come with an instruction manual, although in the early months and years there are endless books out there to give you help and advice on what to do.

Ultimately, the job is yours and your boyfriend's/future husband's. You will learn the job as you go along. I remember when my daughter came and I suddenly saw the next 18+ years stretched out in front of me and panicked! I thought ';what have I done? What about when she starts school, and then when she's a teenager?'; etc. I soon realised that I didn't have to know everything in that first moment, and that as each stage came, I would know what to do and do my best.

No parent is perfect. You will make mistakes, but you will learn from them. Knowing you are flawed is a good thing, but you should trust yourself and your instincts. Be there always for your children. Talk to them all the time. Share their experiences with them, be a shoulder to cry on, expose them to as many new experiences as you can. Be fun parents. Kids love parents who know how to be really silly as well as strict from time to time.

It's a journey that never really ends. You don't stop being a parent. It's a lifetime's job. If you look at it like that, it can seem pretty daunting, but in reality, it's a day at a time, and you never stop learning. It's very rewarding, and can also stretch your patience to the limit. Your love for your children will be unconditional, but that doesn't mean they wont drive you crazy from time to time!

I hope everything works out for you both.
geez you don't need books, if you are already what you say then it will come natural. I was anything but what you say you are but since becoming a mother I have changed so much to make sure my son gets the best life possible, all the attention he needs, and a loving family. Like today we (he is 20 months) turned the music up and danced until I had a side ache and then we played with the dog outside and then we colored. That is what great moms do, spend time with their children to show them that they are loved. But don't worry you will figure all of this out on your own!
Being a good parent is not something that you can find in a book. You cannot learn to love a child out of a book. When you hold that baby in your arms and realize that you were put on this earth to be that babies parent then and only then will you know what it is like to be a parent and your feelings for that baby will help guide you through making the right decisions for you and your baby.
You can read all the books, listen to all the professionals, and you will still only be a great mom when you become a mom and use your natural abilities to nurture, and care for that child. There is no magical guide to parenting. You seem to have the skills to become a great mom, so just learn to trust them. Always love them, and make sure they know they are loved, and that they can come to you with any problem at any time.
You are never ready to be a parent. And 99% of books out there a 100% full of crap. And when it comes to people. if the person giving the advice does not have at least one child. Regardless of how well they are around children. they do not know anything. You will know that you are ready to be a parent after you are one.
For a boy a book called Brining Up Boys by Dobson is a must. You learn a ton about the mind of a little boy.

Dont stress the parenting though, everyone has to start somewhere and you grow into the role.
How wonderful that you're asking questions ahead of time. Of course, just because a person can have children doesn't automatically make them a good parent. You have to follow your instincts and remember that the child is a PERSON. The best thing you can give them is your time. Children are a lot of work and a lot of responsibility but they can also be a lot of fun. You can kick back and be silly with them and laugh. There are a lot of free things you can do, so money isn't necessarily what it takes to be a good parent. A sense of humor is a wonderful thing for a parent to have.

I would suggest you go to your local library and browse around. One of the librarians can direct you to the proper section. Be prepared to see a lot of books with a lot of opinions on child care. The best thing you can do, though, is follow your heart. There is no such thing as a perfect parent, so give yourself a little slack.
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Love is the first thing you must have to be a mom. And understanding that the world is a dangerous place and it is your job to protect your kids. There are a ton of books about parenting though. I would suggest ';the five love languages of children'; or maybe its ';for parents'; anyway, it's helpful. Also, if you have the time and the money take a psychology class or two at college, it has certainly come in handy for me!

It's wonderful that you are thinking about these kinds of things well ahead of time.

Nothing you read will tell you exactly what it's like to be a mom, but its always good to gather information.

Every day you will learn something new about yourself and your child, not every article in Parent's magazine will apply to you. You'll find your own groove.

and as to xyz comment (the first one on here)- It is highly enlighten to seek information on parenting. and she didn't say she was looking to get knocked up now. Don't be a douche.
All you need to be a good mom is patience and love. Being a mother just comes to a person naturally. It's motherly instinct. You will be a great mother.
Well girl...

U definitely show every trait a mother should be thats gr8 just keep that goin to you %26amp; your boyfriend reach the alter get married then kids. As for info there's heaps of books... But why gee... u don't need books if u are what you say you are really! u'll be gr8 Mum %26amp; that will come naturally for you easy plus books don't tell u how to be a good parent its how u teach %26amp; raise your child/ ren Honestly its Discipline,Respect, Manners... Be Strong have heaps of Patients Love %26amp; Care U'll Be right... parenting Books, pregnacy magazines availbable in the news agency, Dymocks, Angus %26amp; Robertson even the internet...

Normimah Mum of Daughter Jazmina 4 %26amp; Son Azhar 2.
I think you already answered yourself. Just love your kids. Don't overspoil them and have patience. You will be great.
All you need to be a great mum is patience, love and understanding of your child. Give it 110% and do the best you can for it.

No book can tell you how to be a perfect mum as all children and mums are different.

As long as you will do anything humanley possible for the health and well being of your child...your perfect!
Can you two watch a friend's child for an overnight, for a weekend? Get use to sharing the parenting duties and breaking them down into ';shifts';. Take the child to a restaurant, to the grocery store, trying to perform normal tasks and getting use to the extra time and effort which are required. This was the part of parenthood I wish I had been better prepared for.

There are decent books available, but I found they were more useful when you are faced with an illness, or concerns over nutrition. Veteran parents are the best resource for handling the day to day questions which come up.

Communicate with your partner and build a level of trust and communication, so you are prepared for the new addition. Making sure you are both ready to devote the time and energy and give each other mental breaks.

You sound like you are eager to become a mother. I hope you have left some space in your heart, because once you have a child it will just overflow.

Good luck to you ~
It's so simple...

Just use my heart and love to handle your kids...then you are a great mom!
The fact that you care enough to ask the question is the perfect start. I knew nothing of parenting and was never around children - but, like you, I cared about getting it right. I relied on myself a lot for the answers because I knew no-one could love and care for my child as I could (even if they could write a good book). You are unique as your child will be - so long as every single decision you make for her/him is made from love - you will be the best parent.

Knowledge of basic nutrition is also essential - my philosophy is, if the food item looks like it did when it started (ie: whole food like fruit veg etc.) then it is good and not interfered with. Additives, preservatives, chemicals, and most of all Hydrogenated Oils and anything hinting at the word Aspatame is an absolute horror to health,

I wish you a joyous motherhood - there is nothing like it on earth. (I even made it to grandma status 2 years ago and now watch my daughter follow the path).


Tina Louise
if you need a book to tell you how to be a good parent then you are not ready to be one.

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