Thursday, August 19, 2010

Help Please only good advice only I will be giving out ten points?

my husband does not have any health insurrence or medicaid or anything like that. He has a hernia which is continuosly swelling and it hurts him very badly . the doctor's refuse to see him because he has low income and no health coverage. what is the best way to get the hernia removed so that it will not burst and it will stop hurting him?Help Please only good advice only I will be giving out ten points?
My best advice would be to seek out a free clinic and/or free hospital. Just about every fifty miles there is a free clinic that administers care to low income families. I live in Oberlin, LA and there is one about twenty eight miles in Lake Charles. Usally the are for drug addiction/STD's but will either administer care or give you the location of a free hospital. They operate like VA hospitals under federal and state guidelines to administer care without charge. Your husband needs to get the hernia removed as soon as possible to avoid rupture, when and if that happens before you get treatment you must call an ambulance for the nearest hospital to avoid blood poisoning. If your husband has a job with heavy lifting, depending on the location of the hernia, it could be a work related injury. If an emergency, like a rupture occurs, any doctor must provide treatment and you can go to a financial advisor to relieve the debt.

Good Luck..Help Please only good advice only I will be giving out ten points?
he should be eligible for medicare if hes low income. Does he have insurance with his job? or do you? you also can call the hospital and ask to speak to human relations, and, ask them if they offer free care, or at least they can point you into the right direction.

god bless you and your husband,
An emergency room wont treat a hernia because it's not life threatening. My husband had to bite the bullet %26amp; get insurance long enough to take care of the hernia. It was about $200 a month, but totally worth it. He couldn't cough, sneeze, poop, have was NUTS.

If insurance is out of the question (maybe see if his boss will MATCH the premium) I like the hospital human-relations dept idea, too.

So sorry you're in this mess. Wish we could move to Canada.
I agree with Ryan A
Your doctor may manually press your hernia back into place and advise you to wear a special belt, known as a truss, that holds a hernia in place until surgery. Over-the-counter analgesics can help ease discomfort.

Hernia surgery is performed under either local or general anesthesia. The surgeon repositions the herniated tissue and, if strangulation has occurred, removes the oxygen-starved part of the organ. The damaged muscle wall will then be repaired. Increasingly, herniorrhaphy is being performed using a laparoscope, a thin, telescope-like instrument that requires smaller incisions and involves a shorter recovery period.

Patients often walk around the day after hernia surgery. There are usually no dietary restrictions, and work and regular activity may usually be resumed in one or two weeks. Complete recovery takes three to four weeks, with no heavy lifting for at least three months. Hernias often return after surgery, so preventive measures are especially important to avoid a recurrence.

I'm not sure what he could do.
Move to canada and become a Canadian. After 3 months of residence here the surgery is free!! I had my hernia operation done 2 weeks after my doctor saw it. Best was that it was free!

To answer your question the only way is to have a doctor do the operation. They insert a metal mesh to stop the herina from popping out. the scar tissue attaches itself to the mesh to help keep it in place.
My brother is in the same situation as your husband - without insurance and with a very bad back. He goes to the emergency room when he needs treatment, because they have to treat anyone who comes in. You will likely have to talk to their financial group, but at least your husband can get some medical attention that way. I know my brother has received shots, had a surgical procedure done and has gone a number of times and gotten good treatment.

Good luck.
have you applied for medicaid? when a health issue becomes urgent the Dr's are required to perform any procedures to promote life. sometimes this may mean that you are actually in a very serious situation. such as the hernia has strangulated. try the medicaid route

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