Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't you love when Democrats offer advice to the Republican party about how we should be more moderate?

The last time we chose a moderate candidate (John McCain) we lost big time. And last time I checked Ronald Reagan was about as conservative of a President that we ever had and he won landslide victories in 1980 and 1984.

So thanks, but no thanks for the advice.Don't you love when Democrats offer advice to the Republican party about how we should be more moderate?
WE should be more moderate? WHAT ABOUT THEM? They are so far left they are LOONEY! That is why they are losing at the polls now.Don't you love when Democrats offer advice to the Republican party about how we should be more moderate?
Because if you would be more SOCIALLY moderate and stop kow-towing to the extreme self-righteous ';let's teach creationism in schools'; evangelicals, a lot more ';Democrats'; would vote for you. I for one have no problem with fiscal conservatism, but will never vote for the extreme right-wing social agenda that has come to characterize your party.

I liked McCain in 2000 and probably would have voted for him, and might have voted for him in 08. But what did you do? Nominate an extreme socially-conservative crazy evangelical VP who was frankly an insult to women everywhere. So thanks but no thanks.
when Regan got elected conservatism was a rather new ideal...plus don't forget Ronnie was a Hollywood boy who was also in charge of unions during his rise...not only that he was a big spender and a lousy saver...McCain got beat because Bush was just that horrible...i don't think by him being a moderate is what ruined him...it was the tarnished Republican name is what ruined him....as for the Dems...they are right...most of this country is not homo-phobic as it once was...yah prop.8 was defeated in CA but that was ultra-liberal bill...now the country much more accepting towards minorities in high positions..some thing conservatives are still wary of (the Sarah Palin fringe of the party)..then you got issues like medical marijuana...which many conservatives support...but then the bible belt bunch is totally against that...and finally on the fiscal side the American people who are still pro-capitalism are very anti-corporatism...and the right supports corporatism even when they are unethical, immoral, and even criminal (health care execs, for profit prisons, banker bonuses amid crises etc) ...if the right wing would just unify and wake up to a few issues but still implement their conservatives values of self-reliance and hard work...they would start winning again...
Reagan's presidency was a long time ago. Politics and the country have changed since then.

Also, it is the leaders of the Republican Party that want it to get more moderate. Leaders like Newt Gingrich. I as a liberal would prefer that the Republican Party go more ultra conservative. You will lose every election if you do.
This pretty much describes our Country today.

If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't`t buy one.

If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't`t eat meat.

If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to defeat his enemy.

A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and still look good.

If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.

If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a black man or Hispanic are conservative, they see themselves as independently successful.

Their liberal counterparts see themselves as victims in need of government protection.

If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.

A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.

Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

A liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.

A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a conservative slips and falls in a store, he gets u p, laughs and is embarrassed.

If a liberal slips and falls, he grabs his neck, moans like he's in labor and then sues.
Regan was a Fiscal Conservative. He butchered the taxes and government spending. All he cared about was minimizing the government.

He ended in a high debt due to the war. All war debts result in high debt. To criticize him on that is naive. Bill Clinton himself did the exact things as Ronald Regan and cut capital gains tax as well as other taxes.
Mccain lost the election because he was a faux liberal running against the genuine article.

I think this:

Conservatism has never failed the Republican party, but the Republican party has often failed conservatism.

As far as taking advice from liberals is concerned, doing that is exactly what got us where we are. I have no interest in what the enemy advises that I should do.
The Republicans would have lost regardless of who they ran. 2008 was just the wrong year to be a Republican. The Republicans should be more moderate to attract more swing voters. Choosing a candidate that has the least appeal to all the voters is not a move calculated to win elections.
Oh, those charitable liberals. Where would we be without their care and consideration? It's almost farcical listening to someone like Valarie Jarret explain how the Republican Party is being co-opted by the 'far right-wing extremist.'

Of course she says this without hesitation while George Soros is stalking the halls of the White House
Since Republicans are fast on their way to becoming the Tea Bag Party

I am thinking its not likely there CAN be a change of direction.

But moderate ? No, go ahead on. See how much support you will get over time as the Beck, Palin, Limbuagh-ers move the GOP even farther to the right.

The big tent has collapsed and the loonies are running the party now.

Damn ! Lightning struck a pine tree in Texas. After 13 months, me I agree with lawgirl. Just goes to show ya, anything IS possible.

Well, almost anything. Try slamming a revolving door.

For all those touting ';moderates';, can anyone name just one great moderate, or one great moderate accomplishment ?
I disagree, run Palin! Please, please, please run Palin. Run her in 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028. . .

Of course, I'd like a democrat in office all of those years so maybe my advice isn't what you should be following.
I am so glad you guys won't take the advice. Moderate McCain did not lose you the election. Conservative Palin and acting like an extreme right wing nut McCain is what lost the election for you.
In their eyes the Republicans like Dede Scozaffava are '' moderate '' but they are LIBERAL
Your right Reagan was a conservative, he even lowered tariff protections back when Wal-Mart had their made in the USA slogan that started our industrial might being given to China. Thanks Republican Reagan.
I never gave such advice,,,,,and I doubt any other Dem's here did give such advice,,,Republicans went for the BLACK minority to gain needed votes....do you have a better idea for 2012?
Dems are scared that the GOP may return to its Christian roots.

They know it'd mean landslide victories in 2010 and 2012.
Conservatives need to take back the GOP from all these ';moderates'; and RINOS

Out with all these liberals in sheeps clothing!
Reagan was the first president to explode the deficit...how was that conservative?
Dems are only happy when everyone thinks, speaks, talks, and agrees with their viewpoitns.
Did you ever think maybe dems suggest that to you because they want you to lose.
moderate? you mean instead of killing 100 innocent iraqis you kill 50?
Wasn't Pol Pot considered a moderate Liberal until the Killing Fields?

nominate Palin

the country could use another laugh
Reagan was a corporate whore and murderer...that's how I will always remember him.
  • chemical face peel
  • pores
  • Am going to start my third cycle of ivf next week?Any words of advice would be appreciated.Last two were BFNs?

    I defintley have some words of advice for you and a few more :)

    First i admire you for not giving up and keeping your head held high threw this , i can only imagine how hard having to go threw this 3 times would be.

    But i think that you need to relax maybe go away for a day go get a massage do some thing fun that gets your mind off from it for a while then when you get back you will feel refreshed and ready.I know its hard to be stress free in all of this but think of it like this 0 stress may lead to 1 baby that you desire, My heart thought and prayers are with you I hope that it works for you this time, You will be a great mommy look how dedicated that you are in this. You will be fine and you will be pregnant soon.Am going to start my third cycle of ivf next week?Any words of advice would be appreciated.Last two were BFNs?
    Hi Sleephead,

    First off, best of luck with this round, I really hope you see a BFP this time!

    I am not sure what you have done to date to support your cycles and whether your doctor/s have offered any 'alternative' advice but I'll assume they haven't and tell you a little about what I have found out in some interesting studies.

    There have been studies conducted on women who have been undergoing IVF treatment. The one trial in particular that comes to mind involved the use of acupuncture to support the IVF cycle. There was indeed a higher success rate in those women using acupuncture over those that weren't.

    I can recall also the study siting that the western doctors could see the improvement but could not understand why or how it worked. Ask a Chinese Medicine doctor and they will be able to explain it to you quite easily...just keep an open mind.

    You would no doubt find that many Western doctors will not agree that undergoing acupuncture will make any difference but there are studies that point to it actually doing something. It can't hurt so it would perhaps be worth a try. Just ensure that you see someone who is very experienced and has some success stories to share with you.

    I hope this has helped and that you have all the success you dream of.


    http://www.aboutgettingpregnant.com/blogAm going to start my third cycle of ivf next week?Any words of advice would be appreciated.Last two were BFNs?
    Hello, I have heard that by the time you get to your 3rd IVF cycle there's a higher chance of it succeeding than not succeeding. Not entirely sure why..but that has to be a positive thought. I have also been told that a course of acupuncture before, during and after the treatment can be very effective. I sincerely wish you all the very best and really hope that everything works out for you...DON'T GIVE UP x
    Getting ready to start my second in a couple of months. Think positive and try to enjoy yourself. I feel if it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I WANT it to happen but stressing won't help me or help it happen. Try to get a good support network around you. Speak to friends and family, try to go out and enjoy yourself so you're not just focussing on the IVF. Talk to the Drs, is there anything they can tell you as to why it perhaps didn't work before? Could you change your diet, exercise or stress levels? Best of luck.
    I'll keep all things crossed for you if you do for me! I am going to start my fourth cycle next month.

    The best advice I can give you is to keep your brain busy and do things to take your mind off the process! I had my best cycle when I didn't think about every little thing I put into my body, took opportunities to focus on myself, did my best to feel happy and positive. The best thing you can do is put your feet up! Whatever helps you to de-stress, rest, and stay calm will help. Your body will be working very hard and you want to give it as much rest as possible. Try meditation, self-hypnosis, and/or deep breathing exercises. If you have an MP3 player, download (or buy) some things at Anji.com! There is one there specifically for IVF gals. I have that one and a few other that I really like. Here is one http://store.anjionline.com/-strse-2/%3C… Get your DH to rub your feet, massage your neck, and soak your feet in warm water. Keeping warm is important, not hot, just comfortably warm, especially after your embryo transfer (ET). I also find that yoga helps to calm me and it is great for circulation. It is important to get your blood flowing into your reproductive organs to help those follicles grow and to build your lining. You can look up “fertility yoga” for some good poses. I have also started acupuncture and really enjoy it! Lots of studies seem to show that having acupuncture close to the time of your ET helps with implantation. You can also start it now to help increase blood flow and then feel more comfortable with it when you have your ET.

    Sending positive thoughts that your embie(s) will soon snuggle in! Sticky sticky vibes!

    First of all i want to say good luck and i dont no what your religion is but if you believe in GOD everything goings to be ok! Just pray, have faith, meditate in GODS word because he says ASK ANYTHING IN MY NAME AND I WILL DO IT john 14:14 read and see how good GOD works!! GOOD LUCK!! @ GOD BLESS U SWEETIE!!
    I will keep my fingers crossed for you! Everyone says to remain positive, and I know how hard that is....but honestly just remain as positive as you can. Visualisation helps too! Visualise yourself with your baby, visualise your pregnancy test saying positive!!! I know it might sounds nuts to some people, but it honestly works!

    Tons %26amp; tons of baby dust to you hunny! keep us informed! xxxx

    What would be the best advice you'd give to a Taurus?

    Mine would be that they can go round obstacles as well as straight through them.

    Also whats your sun, moon rising sign. I'm Virgo with Aquarius Rising

    If you can think of good advice for any other signs as well that would be cool.What would be the best advice you'd give to a Taurus?
    If you have children, don't think of them as your possessions. They don't exist to serve your needs. Don't be possessive of your children or your partners.What would be the best advice you'd give to a Taurus?
    I have no advice as I'm just learning about this.... I'm a Sagittarius born Dec 17th ....my boyfriend is a Taurus born April 23rd and the advice given here is exactly things he needs to work on! I
    Mine would be ';Being too possessive over someone is never a good thing.'; I'm Capricorn with Cancer Moon and Pisces Rising

    EDIT: Whoever gave me a thumbs down obviously has no sense of humor.
    my advice to Pisces,learn to control your emotions more,not everything i worth crying for.
    My advice would be that it's not all me, me. (My brother is a Taurus)

    Pisces Sun, Sagittarus Moon and Leo Rising.

    My new girlfriend's best friend just happens to be my ex's sister who i was in a 7 yr realtionship advice help?

    I had no idea this was the case cause otherwise I wouldnt have bothered we been together a couple weeks i was completely honest with her and answered all the questions she asked can this survive ?My new girlfriend's best friend just happens to be my ex's sister who i was in a 7 yr realtionship advice help?
    it can if you have no more feelings for your ex, she'll be suspicious about you if you ever wunna be with your ex alone, but she'll probably understand. a line that might work is 'I was searching for my soulmate and it wasn't her, it was you' (don't use that, it's corny)My new girlfriend's best friend just happens to be my ex's sister who i was in a 7 yr realtionship advice help?
    Depends how well your girlfriend knows your ex and whether or not your ex's sister is in the picture a lot or not.
    thats a hard situation....its gonna be a problem. Everytime you and your gf fight her best friends gonna talk bad about you.... and shes gonna keep saying negative things about you, you dated her sister of course she is
    If you really like the girl that you're dating, and you're honest then there won't be any problems.
    Seriously? Dude, Cmon. It was 7 years ago, who fukin cares. If she brakes up with you cus of this than shes an idiot to begin with. Dont worry about minor details
    Not confusing at all..

    I'll be a first time home buyer. Are there any programs that will help me save money on a mortgage? Advice?

    I'm prepping to buy my first home but have not found a mortgage agent yet. Is there any advice on government programs for first time buyers? I'm looking for the best advice to save money on a mortgage. Does anyone have any advice on how to buy smart when dealing with real estate agents? Any tricks on how to deal with them. I really want to avoid getting taken of advantage of. Your advice is really appreciated! Thanks!I'll be a first time home buyer. Are there any programs that will help me save money on a mortgage? Advice?
    A great place to start is www.hud.gov. This is the official website for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. They offer a good walk-through of how to go about buying a home. There are also links available to programs for first-time homebuyers, which may offer assistance in lower rates, down payment assistance, or even both.

    You also mentioned some worries about being taken by a real estate agent. What you might want to consider is using what is called a buyer's agent. Basically, it puts a real estate agent in your corner too. They will end up splitting the commission with the seller's agent, so they do have some incentive to get you into a home that fits what you want and need.

    In the meantime, make sure you are a great candidate for getting approval. A good place to start here is annualcreditreport.com, the official government website to receive a free credit history from all three major bureaus. You'll want to check for public records, ie judgments, bankruptcies, and collections. If there are any, you'll want to get those resolved, or be sure you have the documents you need to show they are taken care of. Beyond that, if you have balances on your credit cards, keep working at whittling those away. Be aware of what ';assets'; you have, things like checking or savings accounts, 401K, IRA, anything you can use to show you have the money to move ahead with this pruchase. Having all this information easily available to you will make the process go much more smoothly.I'll be a first time home buyer. Are there any programs that will help me save money on a mortgage? Advice?
    Real Estate Agent?


    If you're looking to buy a home you need to buy them wholesale and you can't get those from realtors. You need an education on buying properties visit www.platinumreic.com fill out the form and they'll get back with you. Also first time buyer you need a HUD loan as they give you tons of protection conventional loans don't. They can see if you qualify for that as well.

    Real Estate Zen
    i think the best thing for you to do is refer to your bank.their you can rely sto them such transactions.Bankers can also also advise wha to do so...also try to read first, the book; David Bach's Smart Women Finish Rich or Robert Kiyosaki's Retire Young, Retire Rich...much better you can read this either of this book before your final decision. They are alslo very good financial educators...i think you're familiar to them...
    You might want to use a lawyer. Depending on your state, that may actually be required if you don't pay cash, or it may save you money over using a standard title company. One thing is for certain, there's nobody else that is 100 percent on your side when buying a home.

    The real estate agent works off of commission. The seller pays that, but that means that the more you pay, the more they get. I'm not saying they are all crooks, I'm saying that you need to consider that when weighing their advice. You want to talk to them a while before shopping houses, you're better off with one you feel comfortable driving around to strange places with, and who knows your tastes and budget and home needs.

    The mortgage broker works for a lending company, and is selling a product. There are some really good people out there doing it, but there are some that think it's just easy money. You want to shop around for one you can trust, and I suggest talking to at least three. It'll take that much just to get used to the terminology. Don't waste more than ten minutes with one if they aren't asking you questions; there are more different programs than you can imagine, and to find out which one suits you, they need to be asking a lot of questions.

    In case you don't get an attorney, here's two key points to make sure are in the offer you submit. 1) it has to be contingent on a home inspection. It's one thing if they won't FIX any problems, but there are some problems you don't want to buy, or at least not be surprised by after closing 2) contingent on you getting financing; deals fall through at the last minute because of financing, you want to be able to get your money back.

    Here's one more thing to bear in mind that your realtor doesn't want you to know, so don't tell them you do know it:

    If they accept your first offer, you offered too much.
    Check out first time homebuyer programs in you state.

    Arizona just got 400 million dollars to offer first time homebuyer's in this state.

    5% GRANT never has to be paid back.

    Can be used for down payment, pre-paids, closing costs.

    Here is the info for Arizona.


    Terry S.

    fha requires 2.25% down payment.

    most 1st time home owners use this program....rates are pretty good for hardly putting any money down.

    mycommunity /homepossible is zero down with a slightly higher rate of around 7% for 30yr fixed

    these 3 are all first time home buyer programs
    I found this web site with VERY interesting advice and proposals. Good luck! http://real-estate-note-buyers.blogspot.鈥?/a>

    What will be the best advice for someone about to give a sales presentation?

    To enjoy it !

    Secondly to think of what they want to hear that will satisfy their needs, and dont think about your own needs at allWhat will be the best advice for someone about to give a sales presentation?
    Be confident, but not cocky.

    I think that something in my multivitamin is giving me headaches. Any advice as to what it may be.?

    I already suffer from frequent headaches/migraines, mostly hormonal. It seems that whenever I try taking a multivitamin regularly I start getting them more often so I end up stopping the multivitamin. If I could figure out what in the multi may be causing this I could try to find one that will work for me.I think that something in my multivitamin is giving me headaches. Any advice as to what it may be.?
    I am not aware of anything that is in your multivitamin that can cause headaches. The multivitamin doesn't have anything in it that you aren't supposed to be eating anyway. Also they're not in any higher concentration than what you should normally be taking in either. If you have migraines it may just be that your migraine patter is changing independent of your multivitamin.

    I suggest that if you're really worried about it, stop the multivitamin and record how often you have headaches. I hope this helps.I think that something in my multivitamin is giving me headaches. Any advice as to what it may be.?
    You're quite welcome, i'm glad that I could help.

    Report Abuse

    In the past few months studies have come out saying vitamin supplements are not helpful. Eating a good diet it. The vitamins in a pill are not absorbed as well as those in say, leafy green spinach. I am sure your headaches are hormonal. If you take any hormonal rx you might consider re assessing those too.

    If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?

    Just curious and in need of advice myself. For all the A's on my report cards, I feel like the biggest dolt in the world.If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?
    Don't take what others say so seriously.

    The things that people say tell much about them but absolutely nothing about you.

    Its easy when you are young to think of yourself in a negative way because it is human nature to over think with respect to our perceived faults. I say perceived because that is often the only place that these so-called faults exist.

    Remember that you are a work in progress. Everyone goes through these times of uncertainty but they in no way define us and in truth they don't describe us either.

    It is difficult to be a good student because the people who don't make the effort are often jealous so they make fun and call names. Again these comments say a lot about the person making them but absolutely nothing about the person they are directed at.

    Just be your self, don't let anyone try to change you so they can be more comfortable about themselves.

    Treat people the way that you would like to be treated and you will do just fine. Do your best to to let hate into your life because hate feeds on the one who creates it not on the one it is directed at.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help from those who love you.

    Take care.

    love and blessings DonIf you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?
    go to college, get a job, get married, have kids...........in that order

    NOT.............get pregnant, get married, have kids, get a crappy job, go to college
    Listen to your ma ma..... really listen to the people who love you or care about your future. There is great wisdom about what would be the better path. When we are young we feel like we knew it all and our rebellious nature made everything mom and dad said sound stupid.....I would be better off if I had listened, really listened.
    Love yourself. Don't let anyone take that from you. You are the best friend you will ever have.

    Love others. People aren't perfect but being angry %26amp; hateful hurts you more than them.

    Love the world. It's a beautiful planet. Appreciate it. Watch the sunrise %26amp; set. Explore the awesome wonder of God's creations.

    Live in the moment. It is precious. Don't take anything for granted. Make the most of each day.

    It is a gift to be alive. Sometimes life can be hard. It can seem cruel. Sometimes tragedies happen %26amp; you will need to grieve. But you will be ok. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You will heal. You can survive the ugliness and find the beauty of life again.

    Be happy. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
    Never say never, because you just don't know what fate has in store for you. Believe in miracles, and work hard to create one.
    I would give no 'advice', because if I did, something would inevitably change, and I would not be where I am today.

    What do you need advice on? And why do you feel like a 'dolt'? I cannot answer a question you do not ask.
    Don't smoke.

    Buy real estate.

    Safe sex.
    no drinking until your at least 8
    i would give my younger self a hug, cause i was alone.
    Your own self-worth is not dependent on a man's (or anyone's) feelings for you.
    my advice would be don't listen to advice from older people. Live your life, and learn from your mistakes.
    Watch out for that cricket ba....ouch!
    listen to the folks
    My advice to me would be to suck it up and stay at home when I turned 18 and go to college. I made life so much harder on myself than it had to be by moving out and starting ';life';.

    Now, with that said, I don't regreat anything in my life. Everything I've done and been through has made me who I am today. It just would have been easier the other way!
    Do not lose your virginity to that weasely creep!!! He may seem nice but he's a jerk!!! LOL!
    Get a job that allows you to travel the world

    I'm looking to buy a Jump bike, any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated:)?

    It would would be my first jump bike. I am currently riding a BMX for the dirt tracks but i would love to have a jump bike.

    I'm planning on spending about 500 quid?

    What i would love is the lightness and maneuverability of a BMX plus the great benefits of a jump bike.

    And advice on what to buy or look for will be appreciated.

    Oh and if anyone tells me how to *give points* or whatever i will sure give them away :)I'm looking to buy a Jump bike, any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated:)?
    I would buy a used ';Specialized P.'; or a ';Kona Shonky'; which are both fairly expensive but you can find one used for a pretty good deal. : ) Try Pinkbike.com and Craigslist.org!

    I'm looking to buy a Jump bike, any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated:)?

    It would would be my first jump bike. I am currently riding a BMX for the dirt tracks but i would love to have a jump bike.

    I'm planning on spending about 500 quid?

    What i would love is the lightness and maneuverability of a BMX plus the great benefits of a jump bike.

    And advice on what to buy or look for will be appreciated.

    Oh and if anyone tells me how to *give points* or whatever i will sure give them away :)I'm looking to buy a Jump bike, any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated:)?
    I would buy a used ';Specialized P.'; or a ';Kona Shonky'; which are both fairly expensive but you can find one used for a pretty good deal. : ) Try Pinkbike.com and Craigslist.org!

    Do you have any advice or ideas to stop anxiety and be more relaxed towards life in general?

    Can you recommend anything to stop anxiety due to daily stress and general problems? Is there a way to stop worrying to much about everything and not being able to relax?

    Any ideas, recommendations or advices would be great. Thanks!Do you have any advice or ideas to stop anxiety and be more relaxed towards life in general?
    I have GAD, and while I see a therapist and am on meds, there are many other things not QUITE that severe I suggest.

    Read a funny book, watch a fun movie, take deep breaths and a 1 minute workout during the day, write down your worry and shred it, color, go for a walk, take time for a warm bath or shower, drink more water, enjoy a sunrise/sunset, take time our for YOU.Do you have any advice or ideas to stop anxiety and be more relaxed towards life in general?
    Think of POSITIVE things that happened to your life,the most happiest moment you have. Always bear in Mind that Problems in Life is the Real Spice of Life that keeps you going. Always look at them as a Real Test of your Personal Capabilities. Be strong, PRAY, Problems come and Go if you will just analyze them, all problems have solutions just like in the School Assignments.

    Built your SELF CONFIDENCE, this one good way to fight anxiety and be RELAX in facing all trials of life.Never,never let problems stays in your mind once you get rid of it,MOVE FORWARD let it go...it will not help you once you stored them in your Mental State. Hope this message helps you.

    relax cd,there are loads of thing you could try


    talk to your doctor they maybe able to help

    good luck hun :o)
    Take a warm bath at night..or just go to your doctor and tell them you have anxiety..let them know your issues and they will give you meds to balance you out...sometimes theres nothing you can do because it it an imbalance, but the doctor can help you....everyone has daily stress..try to do excersise..set aside a time just for you....helps me:)
    No electronics before bed would be one, or you could just look up about 5 billion other post about this topic
    it's called choice.... look into it.
    You need to go see your family Dr. With the help of medication, you can eventually feel like your a part of the world instead of being held hostage in your mind. Once the meds start working which generally takes as long as a month, then you start working on a mind set, and elevate stress that you really don't need in your life. If your serious, you can make it better, but you have to let some things go. ';Stop and smell the roses';!
    smoke a joint every now and then
    Meditate and think happy thoughts

    You may not be able to totally stop the anxiety but you can get it more under control. Is there anything you can think of that if you could change it that would be less stressful? Work, friends atmosphere? Walking is wonderful and will cause your brain to produce a chemical that makes you feel better. I also have enjoyed attending a church and being involved. Volunteering at a school or a library, are something that your interested in is also good because their are so many blessings that come from it. You want to control your anxiety not have it control you. If you feel that you need to share this with your doctor feel free to. We are living in such a fast moving world and sometimes we need to slow it down a bit.
    Try this program. I did and It has helped me in so many areas of life I can't even count them all.

    Lucinda Bassett's Attacking Anxiety and depression. http:// www.stresscenter.com

    customer service 1-800-944-9460

    customer information 1-800-944-9428

    Phone support 1-800-515-1133
    risperdahl. also relieves voices, guilt, feelings of responsibility, needs for sex drive. possible side effects include unhappy wife, but you won't care.

    I want my first tattoo to be on my foot. Any advice?

    I have been told that foot tattoos are very prone to infection and are difficult to maintain. I have never had a tattoo, but I want one really badly and the only place I am interested in having one is my foot.

    Anyone with foot tattoos? Advice, tips, anything? How bad is the pain?I want my first tattoo to be on my foot. Any advice?
    My first tattoo was (or is) on my foot. It is a pretty detailed thing...but only took about 2 hours. One of the people at the shop I went to suggested I do it in two sittings as the feet are prone to be pretty painful and it was my first. I refused and found that sitting two hours through my tattoo was worth it. It is also a very very meaningful tattoo so it was all worth it.

    However, I could never sit through 2 hours of work on my ribs, ouch. I found the foot to be pretty tolerable. The outline hurt for the first ten minutes and then I got used to it. Mine goes from my ankle to around my foot (it's my avatar, I know the size does it no justice but you can see the shape) and certain spots, like near the ankle and closer to my toes, it hurt a bit more. The coloring was pretty tolerable probably about 99% of the time. We did some white highlights at the end close to the fresh coloring and outline and I think that is what hurt the most but it was probably due to being so close to the new stuff and being drained.

    Make sure you don't have dry skin. I had a dry patch of skin near my ankle and he told me when I got there that it was probably not going to hold ink there. He was right, I went in for a touch up two weeks later (my artist does free touch ups the first year) and we changed some things as well. But that goes with any spot, always make sure the skin isn't dry.

    Make sure you eat proper meals and drink a lot of liquids (water) the day you're going to get it done. It prepares you body a lot better. I did a 5 and a half hour piece after only having lunch. I wish I had done the tattoo later in the day so I could have gotten dinner in as well. I had to get a lot of water during the process. Food is your friend the day you're getting a tattoo.

    I never had any infection nor was mine difficult to maintain. The first 4-5 days, my foot was really swollen and walking around felt kind of odd. It was hard to walk the first hour or so because I felt I had to drag my swollen foot along with me. I also suggest wearing flip flops that you know will not rub against the tattoo. So when you leave the shop, you don't have to put on a shoe. Try not to wear closed shoes, flip flops are great because it lets it breathe. But at the same time, try not to get it exposed to the sun. I got mine in september so the sun wasn't too bad (but still out there, I live in Georgia) and the sun kind of hurt it, plus it can fade the coloring. I just got sunburnt near a new tattoo and luckily it didn't fade any of the coloring, you're really just taking chances with the sun.

    Keep it moisturized and follow your artist's care instructions. I used unscented antibacterial soap (I love Provon, it's medicated soap) on my tattoo for the first two or three days and then started putting lubriderm (lotion) on it until it was done healing. I've had my foot tattoo for over a year and a half now. People say they fade fast but mine is showing no problems, the white is still white. I just take care of my tattoos. Once they are healed, I always put sunscreen over them to protect them from sun. I also keep lotion on them pretty often.

    That was long...I didn't mean to type that much but I hope it helped.I want my first tattoo to be on my foot. Any advice?
    The foot is one of the most sensitive places to get a tattoo because you do not have a lot of extra skin on your foot to pad the needle. While you are getting the tattoo, just make sure you breathe normally and don't hold your breath if it hurts so you don't pass out! Also, after the tattoo, make sure you wear loose comfortable shoes so that way it gives your tattoo enough air to breathe and that will speed up the healing time.
    i got my first tattoo on my foot too and it did hurt really bad but i think it was worth it my artist was really nice about it and told me that i was gonna hurt and that was good because i knew what to expect...mine didn't get infected and i didn't have any problems with it. i only wore flip flops for like a month and a half so it wouldn't have something rubbing up against it
    I got my tattoo on my foot about a month ago. They are prone to infection if you wear shoes the first week; so just wear sandles for a week. The pain is pretty bad; out of all my tattoo (3) my foot was the worst. However, it is totally worth it. Just try not to think about the pain, look at the ceiling or something. Good luck!
    I have 4 tattoos (shooting stars on my ankle/foot) its gonna hurt cuz of were its at. but its worth it. just think about something else when your getting it done. and take really good care of it, it s on your foot and can get easily infected try wearing flip flops or somethin along those lines for a week or so...

    hope it helps.
    Body art is really popular now. Remember though that it is permanent and depending on what you want in your career depends on you appearance. Its permanent, maybe you should consider somewhere less obvious.
    it gonna hurt a bittttttttttt
    its gonna hurt like a b!tchhhh
  • chemical face peel
  • cosmetics company
  • Help i need quick advice it will be fast?

    I'm 19, and i'll be going back to school as a new student in august. I em a rapper, and i just bought a lamborghini gallardo this june. I plan on taking it to school should i?

    I need to come up solo, and i need to get really known in this palce. I had my crew but they did me dirty. I just moved to salt lake city with my dad.Help i need quick advice it will be fast?
    LMAO!! HAHAHAHAA! 'can't say anything else but that.Help i need quick advice it will be fast?
    okay i wouldnt take it to school mr. gates.

    I need a new hairstyle, i have long brown hair and any advice would be appreciated?

    I really need a nice hairstyle for xmas but i'm not very good at ths type of thing. I am a skater with long brown hair to about mid-back, and it is parted in the middle. I would love any hair style ideas thanks.I need a new hairstyle, i have long brown hair and any advice would be appreciated?
    blonde and copper streaks are hott on brown hairI need a new hairstyle, i have long brown hair and any advice would be appreciated?
    Go short! It is soo easy to manage and you can play it up so many ways. At work, I comb it to the side (almost boyish style). On the weekends I spike it up or do a faux mohawk. If you need to go to a formal event, you can put clips in your hair to add some flair.
    haha my name is victoria too!!

    never get short hair!!!

    i hate short hair.... never!!
    Cropped, Choppy Look in Fun Funky Layers would be realy cute on a skater.... Play with some colors, add some blonde chunks and red streaks, make it fun, funky, but most of all what YOU love! :)
    You could have it cut in long layers.

    Then have 1/4 head of blonde foils. (They are like well placed neat streaks.)

    But it is becoming common.... you could also go for a Betty Page hairstyle.

    Betty Page is just stunning a famous pin up model:

    when i am looking for a new hairstyle, i buy two magazines. celebrity hairstyles and sophisticate's hairstyles. i then pick out three hairstyles that i love and take them to my beautician. explain how long you want to spend styling and what your limitations are. your beautician can then tell you which hairstyle would work best for your lifestyle. one more thing, a good quick change can also be highlights, then you don't have to change your actual hairstyle. good luck
    get a perm, put kinky twist in you hair to give you the wild but elegant look.
    keep your hair long. just try different way's of tie n it up. many different ways to tie hair up and make it look good and sexy. just sit around and experment. good luck,have fun.
    what the hell are you talking about?
    Hmm skater, those are always fun. I get kinda thrown off when someone says hairstyle because sometimes it means hair cut. I'm going to give you hair cut opitions. Get it cut shorter if you dont have a problem with that... about 2/3 inches. Get layers and ask for a choppy look, and get side swipe bangs. Or get it to your shoulders, choppy and layered... bangs if you want. Check out some books, and celebs, and ask the opinion of the stylist. They were taught to know what goes well with face shapes and they should know what will work with your type of hair.

    take this photo to a hair dressers and tell them to do this style , it looks fresh and sexy as well as new :%26gt;

    try doing light honey blond highlights and get a shggy perm that would look great
    I think that you should get long layers cut throughout your hair for more volume and some copper highlights. What you should do is go to drugstore, grocery store...doesn't matter...buy a few hair magazines. Its best to have a pic for the stylist so they know exactly what you want.
    If you re like me and most men, LOVE IT LONG so dont take off much. Try long layers it will add body and both long and feathered bangs look great want more? email me See if I can help

    What is the best advice from newly wedded brides that you can give to a bride to be?

    I want to plan a wedding under $15,000. But, I have over 300 guests. I would like to find out what the best deals are on invitations, cakes, reception halls, caterers, photography, and flowers. Do you have any do it yourself ideas? i want an elegant but with in budget wedding. HELP!What is the best advice from newly wedded brides that you can give to a bride to be?
    Begin your wedding preparations at least a year in advance. Do some research on wedding planning. The least expensive route for your research is your public library, which will have numerous books, and maybe some recent bridal magazines, you can look through for free. Talk to your future spouse about everything concerning the wedding. He may tell you to ';do what you want';, but you do need to let him know what is going on.

    My mother made my dress and veil for my first wedding. (I was 18) The dress was a beautiful soft white satin with a built-in train that could be hooked to the back of the bodice after the ceremony and during the reception. I was married for 25 years. I don't have the husband anymore, but I do still have the dress, which I hope will pass to one of my granddaughters.

    I spent thousands of dollars on wedding gowns for my two daughters. The dresses ended up at the thrift store or a consignment shop. If you have someone in your family who is a seamstress, consider asking them to make your dress. It will mean so much more to you years from now because the dress will have been made with love, not produced on an assembly line.

    Involve your family in as many details of your wedding as possible. Your family loves you, and will be thrilled to help you. Save on photography costs by asking a family member who has some experience in photography to take pictures before the wedding and at the reception.

    Of course, you will want a professional photographer to take charge of the ';portrait'; pictures.

    The reception for my eldest daughter's wedding took place at a local hotel that had facilities for receptions. The hotel provided a choice of foods they could offer and the price for xxx number of guests. This was a buffet, not a sit-down dinner. Expect to pay twice as much for a sit-down dinner.

    You, your future spouse, and your family and his, have many decisions ahead of you; but, with advance preparation, you will be able to walk down the aisle without any stress. Even with a few minor mishaps, which will inevitably happen, I have never seen. or been a part of, a wedding that was not beautiful.What is the best advice from newly wedded brides that you can give to a bride to be?
    you can save some money by making a bunch of the center pieces and decorations yourself.
    Book early........(reception hall and place of wedding)......save money by having the wedding and reception at the same place...........cakes - well, see if the caterer does cakes as well - he/she may give you a better deal if you use both services.......flowers, caterers, photography - it all pretty much is determined by where you are getting married......bigger cities tend to be bigger prices....and if you want a professional photographer, prepare to pay anywhere from $1500-$3000 for their service......
    here is what I did to save money...we had a much smaller wedding though:

    get your dress from the discount rack at a bridal store. they are just as nice, but the design has usually been discontinued. I got mine for $500 marked down from over $1000. my mom made the food for my wedding herself so we saved big on the meal and everyone loved it because there was alot of variety. we got our wedding cake from a grocery store which only cost us $25 or you or someone you know could make one. we paid for mice flowers for myself and my wedding party, then got carnations in colours to match my wedding and used them to decorate instead of buying huge bouquets that cost alot of money. you can make your own centre pieces for pretty cheap if you go to a craft store. they can probably give you tips too because they get alot of people asking about them. we had the wedding at my parents house so that saves us on a hall, but some halls are pretty cheap if you call around. try looking for a hall that does the catering as well. usually get a better deal that way and some will let you bring in your own food. we didnt have a photographer at our wedding. we just got family to take lots of pictures then we went for pictures just the 2 of us a week after the wedding and it was $100 for a big package with whatever poses and backgrounds we wanted. I've seen professional photos and they are no better then the ones my friends and family took at the wedding themselves. you can buy a kit to make homemade invites on the computer too so that can save you money on those. I did my wedding for under $4000 so its possible for you to do it under $15,000.
    15,000 is a little to work with for 300 guests... I had 130 did all the stuff on my won and paid with flowers photographer video guy, dress, limo.. 15... you have 150 more guest!!! OUCHH.. well do the centerpieces your self,. plan a wedding during the fall.. cheaper! here is a site to get alot of wedding stuff that is sooo cheap. orientaltradings.com.. try and count out all kids as well.. they never eat! lol and just have a great time is all i could say but sit down and really calculate and see if yo may have to cut the list. rem not everybody will show.. also ask family members (that are close) to help you pay for certain things! congrats
    Get real.
    Most party supply stores and office supply stores offer do it yourself invitations. That would help a lot. As for catering buffet is cheaper then a served dinner. Get a wedding cake that you will serve for desert. You wont have to buy both in that case. Do not get a friend to do your photos. My parents did that and regret it 25 years later. They do not have beautiful pictures to look back on. For alcohol buy it yourself not through the hall or caterer if possible. They usually charge a fee to supply it for you.
    you need more money for 300 people if you want it to be elegant. For 15,000 will cost you for food alone!
    Do an early morning wedding so you can have a breakfast or bunch for the reception because with 300 guest it's going to be hard to keep it under 15,000 because the food is so expensive and for dinner it's about 30.00 per person but for breakfast its about 10.00 per person.

    I want to buy a new sewing machine and need some advice. I am a beginner, it will be my first machine...?

    ... I want it for regular sewing, repairing hems, cuffs, tore jeans, and to learn quilting and some embroidery.

    I have been looking some Pfaff, Bernina, and Janome. According to YOUR experience, which machine would you advise me to get? Or what I need to look or paid attention to while choosing a sewing machine? I really want something that can grow with me while I learn more skills. Thanks!I want to buy a new sewing machine and need some advice. I am a beginner, it will be my first machine...?
    my first machine was a very old Hilton sewing machine that I bought used. You've probably never heard of that brand because it is so old the company later turned into the White sewing machine company. Its very difficult to find a home sewing machine that can handle hemming jeans since you have to go through eight layers of fabric to make it over the flat felled seam that goes down the side (4 layers in that seam, plus you roll the hem twice for a clean finish, that's actually more than eight layers) . My fantasy machine is a Huskavarna Viking, but that runs over $1000. As a beginner, I would go with a Singer. Parts and attachments are regularly available everywhere as is service. Make sure you purchase one with a automatic buttonhole feature. The ones that have a multi-step feature don't make as nice of a hole. You should be able to find a nice basic machine for under $200I want to buy a new sewing machine and need some advice. I am a beginner, it will be my first machine...?
    I think the Brother, from Wal-mart is a good buy,but I would be very careful when working with denium.......Or heavy fabric,,,,,I doubt if there is embroidery on this one......
    All the advice you've received is very good. I agree that right now you probably would do well with a very basic machine and once you've mastered that then you'll know what you really want in a machine and can buy one of the more advanced models.

    On that note, you might try sewing machine shops where they trade in older machines for more advanced ones. They usually sell the older machines at a very reasonable price and a guarantee. Another place to look is ebay, the penny saver paper, want ads, yard sales, etc.

    One additional note: I used a Kenmore machine for over 35 years and it was great. Recently I traded up to an Elna Quilter's Dream Pro....I love it and like you, I will have to learn all over again how to use it to it's full potential.

    Good luck and God bless.
    When it comes to a sewing machine, you can spend thousands of dollars or a few hundred, it's up to you. Some people spend thousands for all the gadgets on the machine and never use them.

    We make quilts, together, we've made about fifty quilts already. My wife is a professional tailor and uses the machines we have for everything.

    We have two Euro pros from J.C. Penney's, they're very basic, cost about $200.00 and can sew through four layers of Levi blue jeans.

    We have a very nice Brother with the Disney embroidery kit, works well for all sewing except the heavy duty sewing like the patching of four or more layers of Levi.

    I have looked at the five thousand dollar machines and tried to compare them, mine are just as good for the money but, they're not computerized.
    BTW, my FIRST machine was a treadle-- and I used it to make everything from curtains to a linen suit for my son.

    Having spent a lot of time doing what you mentioned-- and more, this is my advice and worth every penny you paid.

    Get a basic machine. Sears sells one for about $100. I bought one to take to quilting class and I was very pleasantly surprised at what it could do.

    As time passes, you'll learn what you truly want to do-- then if you want, you can invest-- and I do mean invest-- in one of the big boys--

    The basic machine WILL grow with you-- your skills with a basic machine will transfer to one of the big boys.

    So, that's my advice.

    good luck

    Of those three, I'd take the Pfaff, most likely. Bernies are good machines, but the accessory feet are pretty expensive and I don't like the controls. Janomes are good budget machines, but I don't like the feel of them, personally. On the other hand, I've not met a Pfaff or Viking or Elna I couldn't use immediately and mostly have liked very much.

    Try before you buy... it's like buying shoes -- what fits me may not fit you, even if we both wear the ';same size';.

    One of my writings advice, opinions, how could I make it longer if it needs to be?

    Walking the streets of gold all alone.

    Realizing that fantasies are only dreams

    And wishes never come true.

    Yet hope is all that is needed,

    To survive this world

    Only how we look at others is important

    It seems and not who they are.One of my writings advice, opinions, how could I make it longer if it needs to be?
    Your poem is fine. Length does not make a poem, meaning does.

    Here is how I would edit this:

    Walking the streets of gold alone,

    Knowing that my fantasies are dreams.

    Wishes that will not come true,

    Yet hope is all I need.

    The only way I will survive,

    Is taking people at face value,

    And not what they try to be.

    A poems ability to inspire or ignite is based upon the contents, not the length of the poem.; I think you have a wonederful start here. My edit is just an idea, I am sure you can do much better, it is your poem.One of my writings advice, opinions, how could I make it longer if it needs to be?
    I didn't like it for the most part. However,

    ';Only how we look at others is important

    It seems and not who they are.';

    is a brilliant line!!!! It really made me pause and think. I like that a lot!!!!
    I read this and I get the theme of Hollywood and how image conscious and judgmental it can be. If you wish to lengthen it, be aware of theme, set a structure and then write to the structure around the theme roughly, you can then edit what you have.

    Maybe go to an event or something more in detail because what you have so far creates a nice image of place, now you could add event maybe?
    and ...I forgot to tell about the sky-do someone want to know what?
    its pritty good by its self

    Would a President Hillary be calling on George W Bush for his advice?

    Hillary says she will be calling on past Presidents for advice

    Will Bubba be the only one?

    Will she also be calling on George W @ 3 am for advice on what to do?

    Maybe she be holding seances too and be calling on Reagan?Would a President Hillary be calling on George W Bush for his advice?
    yes she will call on George W for his advice

    and than assuming she can reach him

    she will do the opposite of whatever he rcommends that she should do

    does George W carry a cell phoneWould a President Hillary be calling on George W Bush for his advice?
    Would you even be asking this question if she wasn't married to one of them? Go hate Hillary if you want to.. but I would hope that ANY President would call upon former Presidents for their opinions... whether they agree and accept them or not...
    he would be a great source to tap after the election. Call him, get his opinion, do the exact opposite, voila, success.
    Yes of course. maybe they can play golf together and talk about Gore and what's it like to lose the Presdiency!
  • chemical face peel
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  • Does anyone have any advice for someone who may or may not be interested in becoming a lawyer?

    I might be interested in becoming a lawyer, but I want to know more about what its like before I decide to attend law school. Any detail advice would be greatly appreciated. Tell me what's it like, what you do most of the time, what you don't like about the job, etc.Does anyone have any advice for someone who may or may not be interested in becoming a lawyer?
    That field is not as glamorous as it seems. There are not as many jobs as you think. Look at one of my best answers there was a detailed reply telling the state of that profession.

    Legal advice on CCTV best answer will be chosen?

    I want to put a CCTV up which might veiw in to my next door neighbours garden.Is this legal?

    Could my next door neighbours complain that I am ';spying'; on them.Legal advice on CCTV best answer will be chosen?
    There are many rules and laws about setting up CCTV. The main rule is that is does not invade other peoples privacy. If the camera looks into your neighbours garden, then it will result in their privacy being invaded and so the camera will have to be reangled away from your neighbours.

    If you refuse to reangle the camera, your neighbours can take you to court for Privacy Invasion and or Voyeurism.

    In some instances, planing permission has to be obtained before CCTV cameras can be put up. Your local council can advise you on this.Legal advice on CCTV best answer will be chosen?
    You can use CCTV to view the surrounds of your property and if this happens to encroach on a neighbouring property it is not illegal.

    It would be pertinent to explain to your neighbour that you are putting CCTV in and maybe let them see just how much of their property is in view.

    They may like the idea of their property being in view as a security issue.

    Good Luck
    I think that you would need their permission in order to do so because you are recording over their property and it could be considered an invasion of privacy, even if it is intentional.
    Yep he can sue you for invasion of privacy. You can only install CCTV on your own property and to view only your own property.

    I was working for a work at home co. and just found out it is a scam and I may be in trouble? any advice?

    I would receive packages and then re label and ship out. I found out from us postal inspector that these packages were paid from stolen credit cards. Has this happen to anyone van anyone give me advice?I was working for a work at home co. and just found out it is a scam and I may be in trouble? any advice?
    Didn't something about the procedures seem a bit strange? I was working for a work at home co. and just found out it is a scam and I may be in trouble? any advice?
    if you are innocent and didn't know it was a scam, then give them all the information needed to bust the ones that was scamming. if it is to good to be true, then most likely it is.

    you should have some good information for the cops. If not, and you know it was a scam, then you need a lawyer.

    good luck
    Didn't you ever wonder why someone would pay you to re-ship? Wouldn't it save them a bunch of money to ship directly?

    I would go to the police and ask them what you need to do about it. Offer all the information you have regarding the people who paid you for this ';service';.
    No this has not happened to me but what i recremond for you do to is turn your self in to the law, if the stolen credit cards were the ones you stole. if you didnt steal the credit cards i would say you wouldnt get into trouble.
    Cooperate with the postal inspector and any other law enforcement personnel. You will probably be ok without a lawyer.
    The sooner you file a police report the better off you're going to be.
    Go see a lawyer fast.

    What can I do to make other girls look up to me and want to be my freind and how do I attract guys? Advice?

    Why is it that I always have to be the one to suck up to the other girls and why not many girls suck up to me and die to be my friend?? What quality must I posess? And what can I do to make boys gaga at me?What can I do to make other girls look up to me and want to be my freind and how do I attract guys? Advice?
    First of all you have to become a person that doesn't care what others think of you. Not so much to the point that you become a real bad person. But find something that means alot to you and make that where your interests lie and not who or what may be looking at you and wanting to moan after you. You make yourself the best indvidual you can be for yourself and no one else. I learned this the hard way. I was the girl that was never part of the ';in-crowd';, but wanted to be. When it came time for our 10 year high school reunion, I realized that all of those girsl that were trying so hard to fit in, were actually jealous of me being able to be ME. Okay...I had never looked at it that way in school, but That was exactly the way it worked out. People are fickle. Why try to be EVERYONE'S friend and idol when it is so much more fun to have the ones that reflect your own personal interests, and such, constantly around you. Be a good individual, and give that advice to others and watch what happens. I now have a very eclectic gathering of friends and comrades. They are all SOOOOO different but GREAT in their own ways. My life is NEVER dull because we are not cookie cutouts of each other....and as for the miniskirt and heels comment previously posted, you could do that...I tried it, but everyone considered me easy and a tramp...LOL....Hated to break their hearts but I was a virgin till my first engagement well after highschool.What can I do to make other girls look up to me and want to be my freind and how do I attract guys? Advice?
    well start by wearing something tight and low cut with a mini-skirt and high heels and if they want be your friend after that i will

    Will Rush be giving the republican lemmings advice about what to do?

    About the hostage situation on his radio program?Will Rush be giving the republican lemmings advice about what to do?
    if he doesn't stroke out first

    I am anxiously waiting to see who goes first , him or hannityWill Rush be giving the republican lemmings advice about what to do?
    I say they should have sniped the pirates the instant the cap. dove in. Obama is soft and the only he will punish is Americans. He won't interfere with the muslim terrorist pirates cuz he's one.

    Ask Rev wright who the ';bad people'; are. Ill tell you... White blue eyed people that have jobs!

    Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As it stands right now, Rush does probably have the best idea, cause the President sure does not. Kissing butts does not get a hostage released, terrorist only understand the business end of a cannon.
    LOL...yes, lemmings...

    Afer he explodes...

    Did Y!A delete your other question? There are some little snitches in here today.
    I'm sure Rush has some legitimate criticisms and ideas. (I don't think lemmings are political animals)
    well....there doesn't seem to be any leadership coming from the White House now...nature teaches us that a vacuum needs to be filled with something...
    All the lemmings I see look like donkeys.

    Advice on medical school, what education I need to be accepted to study as a doctor?

    Like the title says, and also, where can I learn alot about medical things before I go study... I want to be really preparedAdvice on medical school, what education I need to be accepted to study as a doctor?
    assuming your from the US, you need first a bachelors degree.

    you can major in anything in college-statistics show that you should major in what you like, as science majors do not have any better chance of getting in than non-science majors.

    you need to study 1 year inorganic and 1 year organic chemistry, 1 year physics, 1 yr biology, and 1 year english.

    you need to take the MCAT

    you need to shadow docs, do some ECsAdvice on medical school, what education I need to be accepted to study as a doctor?
    go to makeitinscrubs.org
  • chemical face peel
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  • I want to travel out of the country, Zagreb,Croatia to be exact, need advice!?

    I been wanting to go out of the U.S. for a while. Ive heard from a lot of friends about Croatia. Can you all recommend tips or places to visits, or maybe the best time of the year. Im planning to go next year!I want to travel out of the country, Zagreb,Croatia to be exact, need advice!?

    Croatia is wonderful, especially the coast. I've been there dozens of time and can easily say, that their coast is one of the most beautiful ones in Europe, if not even in the world.

    If you're planning your trip in the summer (which also is the best time to go), then definetly head to Dubrovnik (very nice town, althoug it has become quite posh in the last years, with celebrities enjoing on their yachts there), but you should also see Split and Zagreb, if you have time, Pula might also be interesting. Head to the islands, Hvar or Korčula (but others are interesting too) and relax :) Prices might be a bit higher in the main season, since Croatia is very popular for Europeans travelling there for their summer vacation.

    Anyway, I wish you a pleasant trip and hope you'll enjoy your stay down there :)

    Hope I helped, have a nice day!I want to travel out of the country, Zagreb,Croatia to be exact, need advice!?
    Opatija, often called the Nice of the Adriatic, is one of the most popular tourist resorts in Croatia and a place with the longest tourist tradition on the eastern coast of the Adriatic. Dubrovnik: George Bernard Shaw was enchanted by this beautiful city, about which he said ';those who seek paradise on Earth should come to Dubrovnik and see Dubrovnik';, as well as, famously, describing it as ';the pearl of the Adriatic';. Dubrovnik truly is a stunning city with its amazing Old Town, which became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979.
    I'm from Croatia.

    If you are interested in partying -- go to Zrće during summer. That's like THE partying spot. Everybody goes there.

    However, Zagreb is also a good place for partying, but also sight seeing, culture and shopping.

    Famous clubs in Zagreb are Papaya and Aquarius.

    Hope this helps!
    I have a friend in Croatia that I almost visited a while back. I did not go, but she speaks very good English. I think if you emailed her, you'd get all the answers you want. Her name is Ana.


    If this helps, please rate me Best Answer. Thanks. :)

    If you and a colleague share the same boss what would your reaction and advice be to them if that colleague ca

    If you and a colleague share the same boss what would your reaction and advice be to them if that colleague came to you in confidence and said the boss had exhibited inappropriate behavior.If you and a colleague share the same boss what would your reaction and advice be to them if that colleague ca
    Advise your colleague to report this to Human Resources or the bosses boss.If you and a colleague share the same boss what would your reaction and advice be to them if that colleague ca
    it isnt your business , the colleague has to take care of it themselves.
    The proper thing would be to send them to Human Resources.

    Hi guys! I need some advice from sincere guys in this matter: How bad it is to be in jail.?

    What the worse that can happen being there, I mean in Canadian jails, How is it? Please.Hi guys! I need some advice from sincere guys in this matter: How bad it is to be in jail.?
    It's not good in jail. You could get beat up or worse. Good luck*

    I am a junior in high school and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Any advice?

    I know that I would be a great person to be a ';secretary';, but that's not really what I want to be. I know I might not be making 6-figures, but I would like at least between $55,000-$60,0000 salary. Something that involves the skills of a secretary, yet it can still be fun and creative. I have alot of creativity when it comes to making things up. I'd also like to work in a professional environment. Like wearing a business suit everyday and just being professional in general. Any advice on what my future career should be? I am really lost and distraught about this. I am truly stressed out!I am a junior in high school and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Any advice?
    Try all kinds of things and keep yourself busy, when you find something you love you'll know.I am a junior in high school and I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Any advice?
    Instead of thinking in terms of careers, I'd delve into the world around you. Study at a university and expand your horizons. There are many, many areas of interest in the world of which you are probably not even aware. Get a solid, basic education, and somewhere between studying and learning more about various interests, you'll find a field that intrigues you, and then you can check it out. I don't know why we expect high school pupils to determine what they want to do in life. You can't really know what you want to do without knowing what there really is to do! (beyond the obvious..)
    First of all my Jr. High friend, you need to understand something. Now, I know that this may come as a shock to you, but here it goes....YOU ARE IN JR. HIGH.

    Really friend, you do not need this type of stress in your life right now. There are many other things that you should be worrying about at this time in your life. I can assure you that it may take a while for you to figure out what you want to be when you grow up. You still have high school to get through. Then there is college, where alot of people still have no clue as to what they want to do with their lives. Many people go out and get a degree in something and don't even end up in that line of work.

    Take your life one step at a time. Right now you should be worrying about what girl likes you and whether or not you should go to the homecoming dance or not.

    One thing that will really shape your life, however, are the friends that you choose now. The people that you choose to hang around in your life now, will truly help shape you into the person that you will become later on in life. Choose your friends wisely and make sure that they are truthful with you at all times. Sometimes the nerds are the people to hang out with, no matter what all the so called ';popular'; people say.

    It will also greatly help by including Christ in your life. This may sound stupid, but including Him in your everyday life and also praying to him for wisdom will also help shape you into the person that you will become.

    Hear me out on this one friend. I may have some experience in the subject....
    Do think about what you want to BE when you grow up...more about what types of things you like to DO. Do you like to draw? Do you like to write? Do you like to help people with their problems? Do you like science?

    Then check with advisors, library, web about the types of jobs involve the things you like to do.

    If you like to write: copywriter, reporter, author, etc.
    Be an elementary school teacher, you can have lots of fun, with the kids. Also being a auto master mechanic could place you in the high 80,000 or more per year. There is and always will be a need for auto mechanics, if you don't mind getting greasy .
    im 24 and i still dont know...and i am a secretary. its okay...bad pay though. Just find something that interests you. you dont have to figure it our today so jsut relax it will come to you :)
    You say you like to be creative and professional

    Try a Editor at a big time magazine
    I like your attitude, very positive, proactive. Most young people don't know the answer to this question until they are halfway through college. Be patient, but continue learning more about possible professions.

    1. Spend more time talking with adults about their work. Learn about as many different professions as you can. If any of what you learn gets you excited, that would be a good thing.

    2. Continue your education. Study and make good grades. This will get you into a better college, and help with scholarships. It's very, very hard to make good money without a college degree, unless you have great sports or entertainment talent.

    3. Seek employment now. It will help you learn about work, and you'll learn good work habits, which will help you get promoted later in your career. And you can use the money to attend college.

    I think you can see that a bright future for you is definitely possible, but you'll have to work hard for it. Everybody does.
    If you are creative and you have good people skills I would suggest that you look in to a career in advertising.
    You don't have to know exactly what you want to do with your life when you're still in high school. I recommend, once you head to college (if you plan on going, that is), to check out a few things and see what you think. You might find something you're interested in.
    You are way to young to be worried about this. Just have fun and study hard in school. Find an area you are good at and put all your energy into be the best you can in that area. You should be so buzy with school, sports, music study, ect that you have no time to be worried about such silly things.

    Can someone offer me some advice/explanation of how the world came to be?

    For the past few months I've been really obsessing about our creation as human beings. Like how everything came to be and why were here. I've been questioning how the world works around us. As a kid these thoughts never occurred to me, but as a young adult all of my thoughts seem to be focusing on these sort of issues lately and being the anxiety prone person that I am, those thoughts and feelings never end on a good note. Can anyone offer some help/advice or anything. Can you relate to these feelings? I don't think that I'm alone here.Can someone offer me some advice/explanation of how the world came to be?
    Yes, actually, you should be glad to be having such thoughts. Many of us are simply indifferent and don't give a hang about it.

    I was a little worried about it too, but as I get older, it makes much more sense to me.

    I believe it was created by God, that we human beings are created in His image. But we are fallible beings who fell into sin, shortly after creation...but that's a long story.

    I am merely thankful to be a part of His wonderful universe, despite the adversity.Can someone offer me some advice/explanation of how the world came to be?
    Well there are different types of creation theories. For instance their is religion,and there is evolution, and then their is the big bang and the spin off theory. I would suggest that you look inward to answer this question. since i can't get to much in this here please look me up and i would love to discuss it further.
    by knowing the ans is ur life going 2 change so pls concentrate on ur career n move forward

    Are there any attorneys on this board stupid enough to be giving free legal advice on Yahoo Answers?

    And if so, does your malpractice carrier know you are doing this?Are there any attorneys on this board stupid enough to be giving free legal advice on Yahoo Answers?
    Are there any people on Yahoo Answers that are stupid enough to rely on an annoynomous person on the other end of the internet for all their legal problems?Are there any attorneys on this board stupid enough to be giving free legal advice on Yahoo Answers?

    Report Abuse

    What does this have to do with malpractice? Various kinds of professionals answer questions here, anonymously even. Besides, it's only advice. No one paid them money for their expertise, and certainly no one twisted anyone else's arm to take said advice into action.
    Yes, I know this. Your clothes, give them to me--NOW!!!
    who cares....what a stupid a*ss question....
    Anyone who has given advice that ive seen who actually is a lawyer always puts enough caveats into their answer that you wouldnt have much to sue on.
    Lots of attorneys do ';pro bono'; work. An attorney has a right to give his opinion in this forum just like you do.

    An NO, I am not an attorney.
    I do and I don't tell my carrier that I do it.
    Giving free legal advice has nothing to do with malpractice, or else we'd never have pro bono or those free consultations offered on TV.

    However, giving legal advice, even if to prospective clients for free, may form a confidential attorney/client relationship to the extent reasonably relied upon by the purported client. The fact that it's given over a public forum like Yahoo probably defeats that confidentiality though.
  • chemical face peel
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  • Want to have a fresh start and be a better person, any good advice?

    Write in a Journal and stay strong.....in the times when you dont think you can, refer back to your journal and you will see how things are better and have improved. This will encourage you to continue your journey......Well Done and Good Luck.Want to have a fresh start and be a better person, any good advice?
    Sit down and write 200 goals for the next 30 years--brainstorm--don't even think how you will do it--just write anything you can imagine you might even remotely like to experience, have, accomplish in your lifetime.

    Having goals are the key to change.Want to have a fresh start and be a better person, any good advice?

    go by a differt name, so ti will be a reminder,

    disoccosiate yourself with old crowd and find new circles,

    learn a forean language,

    change you appearance,

    find new intrests,

    learn to be a living being, before being anything else.
    just make changes in ur habits %26amp; ignore if any 1 says some thing to u help others and respect everyone solve everyones problems and do donations and u have done
    try to be the best of you can be!

    Hello all I am after advice on antifouling paints for a wooden boat any help would be greatfully accepted?

    Brands of Paint and where to purchase in Melbourne, also any hints on cleaning hull serface and applicationHello all I am after advice on antifouling paints for a wooden boat any help would be greatfully accepted?
    OK let's talk paint. Bottom paint is complicated and it's best to discuss it with a boat yard near you. Assuming there is already bottom paint on your boat there are compatibility issues that limit what you can use. There are also environmental issues. Then it's a wood hull, which dictates different primers and limits choices. Then the speed of your boat dictates other considerations. The local boat yard can sort through all that in minutes and put you on the right track. They'll know cost as where to get what you need. Good luck!!!!!Hello all I am after advice on antifouling paints for a wooden boat any help would be greatfully accepted?
    Awl grip, pressure blast, sand,fill cracks, prime, light sanding again, paint.
    If your talking salt water find a hoist loading dock and they will hang your boat for what they call hanging time
    go to this web site


    they have a bunch of differant antifowling paints

    Anyone have any tips wrt giving sub-q fluids to a dog? Any advice would be appreciated?

    Rufus is almost 17. He is doing as well as can be expected with failing kidneys. He is still perky and enjoys his life. He is happy to be with the family and is excited for treats and walks. now he requires sub-q fluids daily to flush out his system. Any tips would be appreciated.Anyone have any tips wrt giving sub-q fluids to a dog? Any advice would be appreciated?
    It's immensly easy. Did the vet show you how to do it? They should have.

    Go to YouTube and type in 'giving cat fluids', I know there's several very good videos over there showing how it's done. There may be dog ones too, but I know for sure the cat ones are worth watching---they're 'how to' videos, not stupid ones.Anyone have any tips wrt giving sub-q fluids to a dog? Any advice would be appreciated?
    If the vet has shown you how to do it, there's not much more to it. With increased fluids he may (hopefully) pee more and it will be less concentrated.

    I usually have the supplies in the house to do sub-q fluids just in case one of my dogs has diarrhea or vomiting (usually the stuff expires well before I ever have a chance to use it since I have healthy dogs!).

    Good luck with Rufus. We have a 19.5 year old cat whose kidneys are starting to go - but he's still drinking enough and urinating enough that we haven't had to do the sub-q fluids with him yet.
    Subcutaneous fluids seem to enter all treatment regimens eventually. Your vet can administer them, or you can give these at home. Do not feel like a failure if you cannot do this

    My vet recommended setting my dog, Kisses, on something like a washing machine since elevation makes the dog more likely to be still and puts her in your reach, and I found a TV tray worked best for this purpose. I kept the IV bag hanging from a hook on the back of a bedroom door. When it was time for her fluids, I could take her into the room, shut the door and move the TV tray into the corner next to the door. When I placed her on the TV tray and stood next to it, she was boxed in on three sides. Kisses preferred to face the open side, lying down during the injection. Some resources recommend gently warming the fluids for the cat芒鈧劉s comfort.
    As others have suggested, you need to have someone like a vet or vet tech show you how to do this properly so that you dont' end up hurting your dog. They should set up a schedule for you.

    Subcut. fluids do wonders for aging dogs. Usually they suggest doing this at the same time of day (usually morning) and keep the dog quiet while doing it. Stay with them and help them be quiet by being calm and quiet yourself. If you make this a special time with them, they will look forward to the process.
    You can put it anywhere there is enough loose skin. The neck/shoulders and hip areas usually work Just make sure to pull the skin out to just get it under the skin without hitting any muscle or bone. You can put about 15-20cc in one area or more depending on the size of the dog. Don't let the bubble get too big, maybe the size of an orange, but not bigger than that. You can actually squeeze the IV bag to put the fluid in quicker. The whole process shouldn't take over five minutes. If you have a huge dog, you could put a lot more than 15cc in one area, but on a chihuahua that is about all that will go into one area.

    Sometimes the vets will use the vein in the leg, but when they send home the treatment it is usually give SubQ just because it is easier.
    With a dog that age, your BEST bet would be to listen to the advice of your Vet, and not amateurs from here. Rufus has lived a long, and hopefully happy, life. Now is no time to start experimenting with what may be keeping him alive.
    I hope this is something your vet has advised? If so, ask your vet to show you. People here can't.

    Hugs to your little old boy.
    Have the vet go over the procedure with you.
    isn't this a vet thing

    Hi, I will be visiting Sendai & Tokyo in Dec for 10 days, any advice on what to pack for the holiday ?

    I am travelling with my spouse and 2 kids aged 9 and 6. Have never visited a foreign place during winter, hence not a clue how many pieces / what winter wear to pack, please help ! Thank you very much !Hi, I will be visiting Sendai %26amp; Tokyo in Dec for 10 days, any advice on what to pack for the holiday ?
    Make sure you bring a warm jacket and shoes that are extremely comfortable- and easily removable. You will be taking your shoes on and off constantly (temples, restaurants, hotels, etc. etc). Most important items on my list are - Credit Cards, Passport, Power adapter plug, travellers cheques, translation book, a SMALL SUITCASE. You will be lugging this suitcase through many train stations and in the crowded streets so the lighter you pack the better. Hope this has helped. You'll be fine! Hi, I will be visiting Sendai %26amp; Tokyo in Dec for 10 days, any advice on what to pack for the holiday ?
    It will be cold but no snow for that time of year yet. Its really expensive so be prepared. For what to bring sweaters and a one heavy coat. The weather has been weird lately. Hope you have fun Ive lived here for ten years now so pretty used to the system.
    It's alike Seattle in January. Cold and windy outside but not too much snow. Thick clothes must be required for getting warm if you go out. It is not Hawaii.

    I really want to be a prison officer. but i have a criminal record i have changed now so what is your advice. ?

    I have changed a lot now i am married and expecting a baby. I am currently at college doing administration work but i think the best career for me is in the prison service. I really want to be a prison officer. but i have a criminal record i have changed now so what is your advice. ?
    So first you get a criminal record now your answer to being a changed person is i want to be a prison officer, i am married and expecting a baby but i think the best career for me is in the prison service? and you say your changed now, how come there is still an association with crime? That's all we need ex criminals in the prison service.I really want to be a prison officer. but i have a criminal record i have changed now so what is your advice. ?
    Yes, people with criminal records can work in prisons.

    You need to declare everything on your application form, arrests, cautions and convictions. Include as much as possible, then when your disclosures check comes through there's no surprises. The real problems are when people don't declare this stuff up front and their disclosures check comes back like a volume of war and peace. That's instant dismissal stuff.

    You are in a perfect position to educate others in lifestyles that don't include crime 'cos you've done it yourself.

    This might sound silly but I think that if you do some volunteer work and try working with youths and general community stuff you'll have a much better chance, it shows you've changed and are working with the community now and not against them

    Really I wish you the best of luck, and with the growing number of prisoners they'll be needing as many officers as possible so i'm sure you'll be fine

    Sorry but its about 90% chance u wont even get an interview. the crb check (crim records ) will pick up anything you ';forget'; to put on your massive application form.

    I dont think there is anything that says people with criminal records cant be prison officers. if its only something minor u were convicted of (traffic etc) you might get into the 10% with a chance

    have you aplied online?


    Good Luck
    I think you might have a chance, but depending on what the crime was. If it was something petty like theft, they might let you in as long as you have good references and such, but if it was assault or anything along those lines, I'm 100% sure you won't be allowed this job.
    Don't think you will have much hope. The prison entry forms are massive and they want to know everything. Why not phone up and ask them. You never know perhaps rules have changed a bit.
    Find a different career aspiration. They will never consider your application.
    Apply and see I have known people with previous cons get in depending on circumstances of offence..

    Someone bad with directions be a pizza delivery driver , what is your advice?

    I have been looking for a job for a while now. I've been putting in applications like crazy getting a few temporary jobs. I would like to make a little money during the summer when I am just taking one summer class. At the moment the place to call me back is dominoes. I randomly put in a application yesterday over the internet not really expecting a call back.

    If I am not great at directions and kinda of nervous about the whole situation. I have an interview tomorrow.Someone bad with directions be a pizza delivery driver , what is your advice?
    The boss will have MapQuest on his computer. With each order have him print out the directions. You will never get lost..Someone bad with directions be a pizza delivery driver , what is your advice?
    Get a gps.

    Or work at a place that doesnt' involve delivery.
    get a gps
  • chemical face peel
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  • Adults only contains sexually advice that may not be suitable to kids?

    I been with my boyfriend going on a year but when it come to being sexually active there is only one problem and that is when it comes to me being on top. Im not sure of what to do and i just refuse everytime but i want to do this for him and me as well but how do you do it? I just feel like i dont know what im doing and it makes me feel really weird and i always thinks he feels the same. (so does anyone have any advice on how to ride him and please be serious).Adults only contains sexually advice that may not be suitable to kids?
    well, you can sit up and grind your hips and bounce up and down. you can also lay down and grind him while moving him in and out of you, but not all the way out. I'm sure he will work with you and let you know what he likes and how he likes it..also you will start to feel which way you like it.no need to fear, you have to start somewhere.Adults only contains sexually advice that may not be suitable to kids?
    I would say relax that is one thing you have to do, when you get tense so does your muslces and then it hurts when you attempt to do on top. I would say maybe start with the normal missonary pistion and then work your way to going on top so that you two are comfy, when doing that then you can slowly at your own pace find your way on top, and when you are on top just ';ride'; him. lol sounds funny but that it what you are doing. when you are on top touch his chest and kiss him and touch yourself. like your boobs they like that when they can see it all. or try it sitting up have him sit on the edge of the bed and sit on him facing him so that it can slid right into you. good luck
    Poor guy. He must be so tired always being on top.

    It's not that hard. Just get on top and do what makes you both feel good. Ask him what's working and let him help you figure it out. Don't worry about how you look or whether you're doing it like everyone else does.

    It can actually be a lot of fun figuring it out.
    You can be on top but lean into him so it's tighter and thrust him at a pace that you feel comfortable at. While your doing it you can be playful like nibbling on his ears and biting his neck, rubbing your hands up and down his chest, kissing him passionatly, etc! have fun and good luck ; )
    I'd do a google search thats what I did because your right its awkward and weird I didn't know what to do I still sorta don't haha.
    you got to feel syncronized and also giving alot of attention of what you want. aggresive can be setteled. But however, you have to be syncro to him as well for the big pleasure you need.
    you just need to move around and find the position that is right for you. It may be sitting straight up, facing away from him, or belly to belly.
    you could start going on top but facing the other way... and try not to feel paranoid, just do what feels good for you and im pretty sure hell like it!!
    Just waved one arm in air and frash around just like you're riding a buckaroo... Rodeo style
    wait, you actually need to think about this?

    just let him stick it in your rear with no fear.
    Picture yourself riding a bull. Bucking back and forth.
    just bounce up and down dumbass
    I have ask my friend Casie to ans, this cause she just started SA w/her bf and it was an issue for her also =====Hi! we were dryhumping for two years and jack/jill ing for a few months. I get 0rgasms and love it but he is so quick to shoot. so he needed to slowdown and he wanted to try me on top to make it last longer like it did when we DH'ed. I started with sitting on him in my dad's recliner. he would say';FREEZE'; when he was 'close' and i would stop and wait for him to settel down (but i still played with my hood/tittes quietly) he was so sweet and wanted me to have big0's and soak him with my LOVE. now it's easy to work it everytime ,he just touches my shoulder and i freeze then I start again when he touches my nipple.last friday night on a picnic table we made it last 45 minuets from pants down to walking back to the car.I like it best reverse cowgirl resting my head on his knees and about half of him inside i move side2side an it hits my ~0`Geewhiz~ spot. hope this helps an make sure it's fun for you first then he will love it cause he can rip off a load any time later just thinking about your happpysounds.

    What Classes Do You Advice I Should Start Taking In High School To Help Me Be Prepare To Become A Pharmacist?

    Im A Freshmen In High School, What Classes Do You Advice For Me To Start Taking So I Can Be Prepared To Be Ready For The Future Career I Want, Wich Is To Be A Pharmacist?What Classes Do You Advice I Should Start Taking In High School To Help Me Be Prepare To Become A Pharmacist?
    You're going to need to take a ton of Chemistry and Biology in college, so try to take the advanced science classes at your school. Getting up to the top level in math at your school (Calculus maybe?) is a plus but not really necessary.

    Don't worry. Nothing you take in high school is really going to make or break you here. Your college will offer the classes you need.

    I am a high school junior who is looking to be accepted to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Any Advice?

    Academic record (in-state):

    4.0 GPA (unweighted)

    4.45 GPA (weighted)

    2160 SAT

    31 ACT

    I will have excellent recommendations


    100+ volunteer hours

    Art Club

    Varsity golf

    Work Experience

    What do you think my chances are of being accepted?

    What else can I do to boost my resume?

    Also, how is Ann Arbor as a college town?

    And how is the department of mathematics at the University of Michigan?I am a high school junior who is looking to be accepted to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Any Advice?
    You're in.

    Here are the stats for freshman accepted in 2007:

    Middle 50% GPA: 3.7-3.9.

    Test score ranges of the middle 50%: SAT Verbal: 590 - 690. SAT Math: 630 - 730. ACT: 27 - 31

    The only problem you may encounter is that you are OVERqualified. If you're overqualified for the school, they might not think you're entirely serious--that you're applying just as a safety--and reject you. I really think you should apply to the Honors Program (which would solve that problem).

    Ann Arbor is a great college town. Both my cousins went to U Mich there and LOVED it--one loved it so much she stayed there for grad school. Their academics--including math--are great.I am a high school junior who is looking to be accepted to the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Any Advice?
    You've got a great academic record- why settle for U Mich? Give the Ivies and similar schools a shot...

    Report Abuse

    So far you are on a great track based on your records. Ann Arbor is considered to be a small city which can range between (50,000 and 250,000) people which means that there should be tons of things to do. One crucial factor in college applications is how rigorous your course work is. Colleges like to see that you've challenged yourself and can handle a heavy load of work. Another thing that is very important is your course load senior year. In order to be a successful candidate you should continue to take honors or AP courses next year and continue to participate in extracurricular activities. Don't fall into ';senioritis'; because it may harm your chances of admissions. Hope that helped. Good luck!
    I personally do not go to the Univ of Mich but my good friend does. She had a 3.84 GPA (weighted) and I believe her SAT scores were in the 1800s. She had about the same about of extracurricular activities as you.

    So, I think you're chances of getting in are really good! She absolutely loves it there and says the football games are unforgettable (if you are a fan). I'm always watching their games on TV!

    Good luck with your applications!